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goopy eye


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for about the last few days I've been noticing one of my labs eyes,(just one eye) has been a bit goopy.
Its been just mostly in the morning, so when I first saw it I thought it was just the morning goop, but it seems to be alot more than usual, and real slimy I can hardsley wipe it out for her.
Do you think its some kind of infection, or irratation? Is there something I could get at Petco. for it, before I fork a bunch of money out to the vet. again?

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What color is the goop? If it's yellowish/greenish then it's probably infected and you should make a trip to the vet. If it's clearish/grayish then it may be something other than an infection.

By the way. I am not a vet so take the above info for what it is.


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Could be allergies. My dog gets these clearish eye goobers too. I'd keep a close eye on it. Check the whites of your dog's eyes too. If the whites of the dogs eyes are really bloodshot that can mean the dog has some irritation in there that needs to be treated.

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My black lab has the same problem. Clear/grayish goop in her eyes. At first I was very concerned, but then I realized it's always after she has been sleeping for awhile. The vet wasn't concerned, and her eye hasn't fallen out yet, so I don't think it is anything crazy.
However, I only find it a couple of times a month. If it's happening everyday, then maybe a different story.

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