masker Posted April 24, 2008 Share Posted April 24, 2008 All the wine makers are buying up the premium portugese cork for their wine bottles because good cork improves the taste of their wine. Evidently it takes a long time to grow premiun cork. Here is a link to an interesting article about grading cork and knowing what you are looking at as far as quality.[Note from admin: Please read forum policy before posting again. Thank you.] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
upnorth Posted April 25, 2008 Share Posted April 25, 2008 Here is the article Masker is referring to.If you wanted to buy the very best cork rings available,would grade would you buy? Flor? Special? AAAA?Which is the highest grade? No doubt, you don’t reallyknow. Neither do I, because there is no industry standardfor either cork grading or labeling. One dealer maycall his best grade Flor, while another calls his AAA. Andeven when you happen upon two that both use the samegrade name for their very best cork, there is only a slimchance that any cork bought from both and under the samegrade name will possess the same quality. Plus, the reallyfantastic “Flor”rings you bought from your dealer last timemay be an entirely different level of quality the next time.More ProblemsAdded to the problem of not having any industry standardsfor cork grade names or labeling, is the fact that noone really has any idea what any particular cork grade issupposed to look like. Just how clear does “Flor” cork haveto be in order for a dealer to pronounce it as being “Flor”grade? How clear are “Special” or “AAA” rings?So we’ve got distributors and dealers subjectivelygrading their own cork and applying grade names thathave no link to any sort of published standard. It’s nowonder that buying cork is such a frustrating and expensivegamble.The SolutionNow if we had a published standard for cork grade namesas well as actual photo guidelines of how clear any ringwould have to be in order to attain a certain level, we’d bea lot better off. Such a standard set of guidelines backed byphoto representation would eliminate confusion and greatlyreduce, if not totally eliminate, the sad surprise that rodbuilders often get when their “Flor” grade cork arrives andturns out to be less than they expected.So let’s set a standard, right here and now. Let’s alsorepresent each grade with a photo that clearly illustratesjust how clear any ring must be in order to fall into any ofthe various grades or categories.The Rod Builder Cork Grade ScaleThe “Rod Builder Cork Grade Rating System” is limited tojust 3 basic grades, CG1 (Cork Grade #1), CG2 and CG3.The highest grade, CG1, will be 90% to 100% clear and freeof pits and blemishes. Any imperfections that are presentwill be very small, not much larger than shirt pin diameter.When turned, the resulting grip may show some tan orbrown blemishes, but none will be deep enough to requireor even be likely to hold, any paste or filler. CG1 should beconsidered the very best cork available.The next grade, CG2, is still a very good grade of cork,but will only be between 80% to 90% clear and any imperfectionsmay be a little larger than those found on CG1rings. When turned, any imperfections will be deepenough to hold paste or filler, but not so deep or so frequentthat paste or filler is actually required in order tohave a comfortable grip. CG2 should be considered the allaroundcork grade for good quality rod grips and handles.Do not consider it sub-standard as it represents the majorityof what is considered high quality cork these days.The final grade of cork is CG3. It lumps togethereverything else in the world of cork rings - all those ringsthat aren’t good enough to be considered CG1 or CG2.Clarity is less than 80% and the imperfections may, in fact,be quite large compared to the two higher grades. Whenturned, some of these imperfections may be large enoughto cause slight discomfort in the hand. They will certainlybe noticeable in the finished grip. In order to obtain a verynice looking grip with CG3 cork, some type of filler orpaste will almost certainly be required.In the photographic standard, I have included 6 ringsof each cork grade. Notice that some slight variances witheach grade do occur. But also note that the best and worstof each grade represents only a slight difference. The onlyexception will be among CG3 rings, which represent allrings that fail to qualify as either CG1 or CG2. Thus, CG3rings will represent a wider quality range than either of thefirst two, encompassing everything up to, but not includingCG1 or CG2 grades.The Rod Maker’s Cork Grade ScaleFinally, a grading system with a representative standard behind it!From RodMaker Magazine Volume 8 Issue #2RodMaker 19VariancesDo keep in mind that cork, being a natural material,varies from ring to ring. Acustomer orderinga bag of 100 CG1 rings should fully expect thequality of the rings to vary from one to another.Still, they should all fall within the standards setand the range is narrow enough that wide variancesin quality within the same grade shouldn’toccur. There will always be a slight grey area, ofcourse, as one grade begins to slip into the next.In other words, when does a CG1 become a CG2ring? Out of 100 rings, you may find a handful ofwhat you consider to be CG2 rings in your bag ofCG1 rings. But it should be a close call. Becausecork grading is done by human hands and eyes itstill requires some amount of subjective judgment.However, with a photographic scale to goby, rings shouldn’t fall off the mark by much ifthe person doing the grading is even remotelycompetent.How To Use ItNow if you pick up your phone tomorrow morningand ask your dealer to send you some CG1cork rings, he won’t likely know what you’re talkingabout. And even if he does, he is under noobligation to adopt nor conform to any such corkgrading system. Still, the system is completelyuseful to you. If he can’t tell you just how clearhis “Flor” or “AAA” cork is, just fax or email hima copy of the Rod Maker’s Cork Grade Scalephoto standard and ask him which of these threegrades is closest to what he calls “Flor” or any ofhis other grades. It’s a simple matter for him toflip 3 or 4 rings out on his counter and comparetheir faces to those in the photo standard. If hewon’t do it, you may wish to buy elsewhere.Cork is CorkLike any new system that defines standards andthen uses a relative and objective scale to measurethem, the Rod Maker’s Cork Grade Scale is accurateand it is very much correct. But it is notintended to force anyone to adopt it nor to use itin their own business. Most likely, it would beadvantageous to do so, but we can all understandwhy many distributors and dealers would prefernot to be held to any definite cork grading scale.Still, that has no effect on how the useful the systemcan be to you. With at least one publishedstandard in place now, we can all relate cork ringclarity to this scale and at least require our corkdealers to let us know how their own cork gradesrelate to this published, visible standard. - Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mike Wallace Posted April 25, 2008 Share Posted April 25, 2008 Great informative post, upnorth. Sure is a bummer when you think you are getting something and it's not the quality you expected.This seems like a great way not to be disappointed. At least you can be using the same standards. Unfortunately, I think cork will just keep getting more and more expensive, even for the low quality.When will we see someone making cork rings out of synthetic cork (newer wine bottles use this)? Not the Syncork from Thorne Bros. (which I kind of like). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
upnorth Posted April 26, 2008 Share Posted April 26, 2008 That is one of the reason you are starting to see more folks using alternatives to cork. Wood, burl cork, various kinds of bark, are all being used in lieu of cork as handles. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CustomRodFan Posted April 26, 2008 Share Posted April 26, 2008 Mike, what is "syncork"? Are they just giving burl another name here?Since around Christmas time, I have been trying to perfect a new concept using urethene foam pours and carbon fiber skinned grip coverings with regard to handles that at this point all I can do is tease you, simply because I have not gone a to z with it. I need consistent 70+ degree days to try and overcome some imperfections I am getting at this point. Stay tuned - I need to give a demonstration to a rod building association I belong to on it in August. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JohnMickish Posted April 26, 2008 Share Posted April 26, 2008 Originally Posted By: CustomRodFanMike, what is "syncork"? Are they just giving burl another name here?It is synthetic cork. It's not EVA. It comes in bands just like real cork, weighs a tad bit less, can be shaped into the same shapes as cork and is less slippery when wet. It gets epoxied the same as cork. The only difference is you shape it with a cheese grater, then finish it off with emery cloth. For now it only comes in black but I have a hunch it will be in different colors in the next few years. Check out Thorne Bros HSOforum and look at it under the custom rod section. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mike Wallace Posted April 28, 2008 Share Posted April 28, 2008 Custom,what mnfishingguy said. I found that I was able to use a rasp at LOW speed on my drill press to shape it.I put it on a muskie rod and I like it.It's just another option. Pretty expensive at $1.25 per piece, but you know exactly what you are getting, no surprises with quality.Color is an issue with some but the performance qualities are good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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