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yamaha tiller issues

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I know we have had this discussion before but I'm hoping that there are some new ideas out there. Anyway ,I have a newer 90hp tiller and have some complaints about the pivot or locking mechanism for the tiller handle. The little tensioning slide handle that Yamaha has to hold the motor centered for trailering is a bit cheesy (in my opinion). Those of you out there with this motor know what I'm talking about . How do others deal with this problem ?? It is a real pain to have to (with a wrench) tighten and loosen this bolt every time you use the boat. I prefer to have the motor in the straight position rather than cocked off to the side when trailering . The motor just seems to ride better in this position and sits better in the transom saver.Is there a OEM or after market fix for this issue ??

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I know exactly what you're talking about and I don't have an answer for you. The company that makes the My-Wedge transom saver is making a product that clips onto the steering to center the motor for exactly this reason, but I don't believe it'll work for tillers. I haven't looked into it very close to be certain. I use the My-Wedge and let the motor lay on it's side, but not sure if it's really that big of deal. Not much else you can do unless a wrench is brought along every time.

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I've been doing the wrench thing every time I take the boat out.Just gets to be a hassle . Doesn't look real good for Yamaha at the landing though. Don't really mean to bash Yamaha just hoping someone has an idea or better yet a solution.

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