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Heirloom tomatoes


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Now's the time to get the tomatoes started indoors. Anyone do heirloom tomatoes? I'm planning on growing a number of different varieties of beefsteak tomatoes this year.

I've been growing heirlooms for 2 or 3 years now and it's fun trying the different types. I've become a bit of a food snob as I grow older and I find that I like these types of tomatoes better than the non descript tomato wannabees (Bushel Boy) you get from the grocery store.

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Ya I started mine 2 weeks ago.I didnt know beefsteak were heirloom? I got Krim,Black Krim,Germain green,Lebanses,San Marzano,Brandywine,Black Brandywine,Then for early tomatos Early Girl,4th Of July,Sugar babies,Early Golieth.Some redpear,yellow pear, & cherries.

Its the Peppers I have fun with think I've got 10 different varities this year.

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I've grown lots of Heirloom varieties, and it's great fun having new varieties to taste. Our favorites so far have been Aunt Ruby's German Green, Pink brandywine, Mortgage Lifter, Gregori's altai, and Box Car Willie. There are tons to try!!

Where I live (north/central mn) the growing season is a little too short for some of the Beefsteak or Late Season tomatoes, but my sister in Rosemount gets great ones.

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 Originally Posted By: gspman

How do the Mortgage Lifter and Boxcar Willie taste? I've been tempted to get those and give them a whirl.


I dont care formortgage lifter boxcar I never tried,you'll be happy with any brandywine!

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I grew both Mortgage Lifter and Box Car Willie for a few years and gave plants away to others. Those were 2 of the ones people (and us) liked a lot. That's the great thing about Heirloom tomatoes, you can try lots of different ones to see which tastes best and produces best for you.

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I've had Brandywines the last 3 years and they're not too bad. This year I'm doing German Giant, German Johnson, Giant Belgium and Neves Azorean Red. Hopefully we'll get some good fruit off them to do salsa and to have on burgers and salads. Might have to try Boxcar Willie and Mortgage Lifter next year.

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