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K&N air intake kits



Doeas anyone have one of these installed on their trucks? Do they really help with the power and fuel mileage? I currently own a 02 Supercrew and a 05 Expedition and would like to increase the mileage a little. I have been looking at trading to a different rigs but for want we want for size we would only gain a few mpg.

Thanks in advance for any input.

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6 answers to this question

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They're nice for an all street vehicle. No k&n filter, kit o filter alone will filter better than your stock paper, regardless of the claim. People have tested this claim and results are your plain jane fram/stock filters better than the k&n. The only thing k&n have going for it it better air flow, expected of a product that has larger hole for dirt to go through. The way I see it is, we as outdoorsman take our vehicles off pavement and dirt is the last thing I want sucking into my engine.

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There was another thread going on this topic if you page back (or use search feature). I've got the kit on my company truck and will be interested to see how it does. I already know that the power is greatly increased but that may have something to do with the computer chip mod. This truck goes through more mud/dirt/dust than most trucks on here combined as a supervisor for an excavating company. 35,000+ miles per year and idling most of the day so should see results fairly quick if not filtering adequetly.

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DO not rely on the K&N for better fuel mileage. I've had them and other brand kits on several vehicles. I like the little power boost and of course the sound, but as far as getting MPG, I've never seen an major difference.

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