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Trip to the range

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Okay, tried out some new loads today.....the first is a 58 gr. vmax load in 243 with 42.6 grains of Varget.....


this is a load for .223 (from one of those non accurate AR-15's, yeah right)

60 gr. V max, 26.1 grains of Reloader 15


the .243 is the used savage model 11 that I bought for 270 bucks with a scope on it....I call a group like that worth the money.

the .223 is my Olympic Arms K8 in .223, I still laugh when people scoff at the AR platform......

My buddy was trying to get his Remmy model 7 zero'd in and after watching me with the accutrigger muttered, I need to get a new trigger......Of course we did find a load for his Model 7 .243 that came really close to inside of an inch. 100 grain nosler partitions......

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