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Lowrance LMS 500 Seriers

Jiggin Machine

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Does anyone have any first hand knowledge on these units. Specifically does anyone know the difference between the 525 and the 520? I'm looking to buy in the near future and don't want to buy too much but would hate to miss out on a feature if it is just a matter of $20.00. Any help is appreciated.


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The 525 is dual frequency, you can operate it on 50 mhz or 200 mhz. Advantage is that 50 will work better in DEEP water (50 ft or more) and won't interfere with other 200 mhz units you may be operating. The 500 operates on 200 mhz only.

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I don't really know alot about the 520, but I purchased the 525c df and this thing is awsome. So many features that they offer classes on how to use them. The one thing I would mention is maybe research if you need the external antenea or not. I got the external because by boat allready had a "puck" mounted so I did not want to leave the hole exposed. Now I can not get a softpack with a ice ducer for hard water. That bumbed me out. All my spots are marked on there.

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