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The New Regs Booklet Free Fishing Weekends


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Free Fishing Weekends

update update

As much as I went threw the regs last year, I can not remember any free fishing dyas. I am sure this is new to MN.

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The weekends have been around for some time, I'm not sure whether or not they were printed in the actual regs book though. Kind of counter-productive to put them in there, as it only applies really to non-licensed fisherman (who would not possess the regs book).

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I was on vacation in PA over Memorial Day and they have that weekend as a free fishing weekend. Free fishing for everyone on that weekend. it is a great way to get people into the sport.

I thought it was great that I didn't have to buy a license, and the fishing was so good I came back a couple more times. I likely wouldnt have even fished unless it was free, and not discovered the great smallmouth fishing. Shhh.

The only weird thing is that they make you wear your fishing license. Most people hang them from a tag on their hat. ???

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