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Helmet Cams


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First you need a video camera compatible. It needs the video input and lanc input for the wired remote. Trust me, you want the lanc.

Then you want a 480 scan lines model. Anything over 480, you can't notice on a normal tv and often times they are lying about the resolution. If you don't believe me, you can do some research on the net. I looked for a few months before I decided. I feel I have the best one available because it takes only a 9 volt battery and lasts all day. Others take 8 aa's to run all day or a similar size battery pack. I have the twenty20 cam. They don't have them on their normal site anymore because they went to a wireless cam. You can still get the regular one though.

If you are willing to wait, I will post mine on here for sale (and pay the fee) when I get my new one. I have plenty of extras for it. I may sell the video camera also.

Basically, you just need the right camera (which may be hard to find), 480 scan lines, and after that they are all the same, except for how they are powered, like I explained. After that is how to mount it. I use a few different point on my machine and use ram mounts. That is the most steady and seems to work the best.

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