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Ham Lake Game Feed 2008

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Hey FM'ers,

The culinary skills and expertise of Dirty Biker, 2X4, and me, Harmonica Bear, will be on display next weekend Sunday 3/16/07

The Ham Lake Sportsman's Club is having our annual Wild Game Feed (as well as a turkey shoot so bring your shotguns) this Sunday 3/16/07 from Noon until 3:00 pm (shooting until 5). We welcome any and all of you to stop by and enjoy some great wild game dishes. The menu this year…

Grilled marinated venison (elk or moose if available)

Smoked venison (elk or moose if available)

Venison Chile

Venison Salisbury steak with sauce

Mushroom and leek cream sauce venison meatballs

Polynesian venison meatballs

Venison / elk / pheasant stir-fry

Venison / moose Burritos/Taco’s

Venison Dago’s

Venison kabobs

Venison summer sausage

Venison stew

Pheasant wild rice soup

Pheasant in Chipotle sauce with pasta

Grilled marinated pheasant

Pickled northern pike

Venison jerky

Salmon Chowder

The Game Feed is free, although donations are accepted. Beverages will be available as well. Our club is located in Ham Lake, 1.25 miles east of Hwy 65 (Central) on Constance Blvd. Come early if you can!

Hope to see some of you there.

Mike Baermann a.k.a. Harmonica Bear

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