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Info - Birch Lake - White Bear area


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Is anyone familiar with Birch Lake? It's a small lake just west of White Bear Lake. Is it deep enough to support fish? Is there a public boat landing? The DNR web site has very little info on this lake.

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There is no public access, but it does come up against the road and park on the north side of it. You won't find parking there, but if someone could drop you off you could just slide a canoe or kayak off the road.

It is pretty shallow and weedy, and it used to be a great fall watefowl resting lake - but it seems that since they started trying to clear the weeds out, and they have an aerator now, that not as many ducks stop by and rest in the fall. But that is (shamefully) par for the course in MN the last decade or so...

I fished off a guys dock once and caught some pretty small bass. I am sure there are some sunnies in there. I heard there is a deep spot (like still only about 17 feet) but I am not sure. It has been pretty down the past two years, water level wise.

Good luck.

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