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Rechargable batteries?

Ron Burgundy


6 answers to this question

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Use high power NiMH rechargeable batteries and make sure they are higher capacity cells. I just picked up 2700mAh rechargeable's for my camera. I wouldn't go any lower then 2200mAh and if possible shoot for 2500mAh or higher. The higher the capacity - the longer the run time which is especially import for digital camera's.

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I have tried them all at some point. Right now I have been happy with the Ray-O-Vac and Energizer brands but have had pretty good luck with the RadioShack ones as well. The Higher the mah (milli amp hour)rating the better. I use them in everything. H2O, Wii motes, cameras, radio, LCD TV, led flash lights to name a few.

One of the main things I look at before purchasing is if the charger has a 12volt plug for use in the car. I couldn't tell you how handy that has been!

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 Originally Posted By: BigWadeS
I like the lithium batteries, seem to last quite awhile

Ditto to that. Until they make a rechargeable that will keep it's charge at idle. I'm using Lithiums.

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Rechargeable batteries, the quick charge ones don't last as long because they're taking a higher charge rate and that heats the batteries up a lot. The ones that charge slower can get your batteries a much higher charge capacity and will be able to charge much more often. It's all about charge time in the end. You sacrifice some things, for the short charge time, but sure is convenient.

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