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Tree trimming


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The old rule used to be have the trimming done by Apr. 15th.

With the earlier and warmer springs I would say have it done by Apr. 1. By the end of march, the average daytime temp should be ~50*F so its important to get it done sooner than later.

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The general rule of thumb with Oaks is before April 15th or after October 15th. If you get the Oaks trimmed before the end of March you should be just fine. If you find a tree services that tells you its ok to trim them or have them trimmed mid summer, though them off your property immediately.

When it comes to flowering trees and shrubs you want to prune them in the opposite season in which they flower. Trimming causes stress, stress reduces flowering, and reduced flowering reduces fruiting. So its generally best to prune fruit trees in the fall or early winter. It wont kill them pruning in mid to late March but just dont expect the best production this year for apples.

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If you're wondering about trimming trees during the dormant season, remember that its very important to make sure you get trimming done on Oaks and Elms before the April 1st date. This is important to avoid spreading diseases like Oak Wilt and Dutch Elm disease.

If you want to still get fruit bearing trees trimmed you can. Ideal time to trim them is in the fall, but the only risk is removing buds that will flower in the spring. There is no hazard to the tree to prune now.

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Oh one important thing: dont spray paint your cuts. You can tell good tree care people from uneducated ones by whether or not they use what some call dumby paint. Paint on tree cuts has been studied extensively and found that it has not effect whats so ever. Its a waste of time.

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Thanks guys.Today I am going to do some triming I am tired of mowing under the oak tree with the tractor and losing my hat or if I am not paying attention getting a branch in the face.The apple tree has some dead wood on it I would like to get rid of.It is an every other year bumper crop tree last year was a bumper year so I think I'll be ok trimming now. I also have some pines I would like to trim up higher for mowing puposes. Is it ok to do that now?

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