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1998 Merc 115


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2+2... a motor that idles on 2 cylinders and kicks into 4 cylinders when you open the throttle.

In the 115 it's really not that bad of a deal - they idle pretty good. In the larger models, like a 125 for example, it seemed like they idled quite a bit rougher.

In my opinion, if the motor runs well I wouldn't shy away from it. The 115 is a pretty good motor.


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Yup, definatley. I have a 125 2+2. The idle is kinda rough. When you accelerate the switch between 2 and four can sometimes take you by supprise. There seems to be about a 2 second delay. I give it a little to plane out, then give it some more, when it kicks it kicks. I saw my coffee mug do about 3 flips and completely empty the contents on me in slow motion. Once you get used to it though it is cool. Depending on your boat I would say that would be a good motor. I have a 1750 on a sportfish, with four guys and gear and full tank it hits 45mph rather quickly!! Mercs. seem to be a little cold blooded(maybe just mine) but once they warm up. It's on!!

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