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Dog won't stop sneezing?


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I have a 3 year old brittany that in the last day or so has started to sneeze constantly. I know a number of the people in my house have been sick with colds lately, can that be passed on to a dog? Is this something I should be concerned about? My cousin had a 5 year old German Wirehair that died of some fungus he inhaled while hunting, and he said his dog sneezed a lot prior to the diagnosis. I wondering if this could be the same thing, and if I need to get him to the vet soon. He has been eating fine and his behavior hasn't seemed to change at all. Thanks!

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I agree with gonefishing. If a dog is sneezing constatly there is usually something stuck in there

Almost no human diseases can pass to dogs because their body temp is higher. A human fever kills the virus, dogs don't even get it. They have their own version, but the sneezing is usually something stuck in the nose.

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I was 'babysitting' a co-workers dog for 5 days late this fall and his shorthair was doing the EXACT same thing. It eventually began to include a little bloodspray w/ the sneezing. After a couple days though, lo and behold, a 3" long pencil-diameter stick shot out across my living room. The next day, an identically-sized piece came out w/ a sneezing fit as well. That was the end of it. It took 5-7 total days of sneezing to get the thing out...

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Well after 2 trips to the vet, the dog has Lymes disease. I had him started on the meds on Friday, and by Sunday, he was up and about as normal already. I thought it was kinda odd for him to get it this late in the winter/spring. Has anyone else had it stay dormant in their dogs this long. So much for Frontline and the lymes vaccine. He has gotten both religiously and it did't stop a thing.

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