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I am looking for your help, as this will be my first time ice fishing Chequamegon or Apostle area this coming weekend.

I have a medium action rod with 4lb. test on it currently. If our goal is to target a mixed bag (i.e. salmon, brown's, coho, etc.), what type of set-up is recommended? Can I get by with what I have?

Are their specific lures that produce for a mixed bag better than others? Is live bait recommended?

I saw from one of Jim's previous post's to concentrate "from Houghton Point to Bayfield or somewhere inbetween.. 15 to 40 FOW, 30 to 40 seeming to be key off the Onion and Sioux.. 15 to 30 near mainland points and such from Houghton to Bayfield."

Is that still a good bet for a mixed bag?

Lastly, how has the bite been for a mixed bag as of late? Still good one day and hard another?

Let me know if you can. Thanks!!


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From Houghton Point to Bayfield is a good area to target for salmon, browns and splake. In front of the Souix and Onion to be more specific. The fish are typically smaller, but 4 lb. line might be a little light. Salmon and trout aren't walleyes, and you have a chance at big fish. I use 8 lb. mono on a medium action rod.

Live bait is prefered. Lake shiners are the usual choice, but golden shiners have their days. Swedish Pimples, Buckshot spoons, Max gap jigs all work. Dead sticking can be effective. Sometimes I use a tip-up just outside my shelter as a dead stick.

Move if the fishing is slow. Try different depths and different locations up and down the shoreline. I haven't been out recently, but I hear the fishing has been slow. But things should be picking up soon. I hope this helps.

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