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Ontario regs question???

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I want to say April 14 or 15 is the close for walleyes then usually opens the third saturday in May. Lakers close in september sometime ( not positive ) then opens Jan 1st. This is on lake of the woods. Down in San Jose CA right now, wearing shorts and got the air on in the room. I miss home but I will be back in the early hours of friday morning. Glad I remember to plug my car in.

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I think lake trout closes October 1st. Sometimes trying to figure out the regs from the book can take some patience. You can't fish lake trout (or any other fish?) on Whitefish Bay with any bait (dead or alive) until the 3rd weekend in May. The limit is one/day on Whitefish also, with 2 in possession.

I also believe you're (Benelli Dude) correct on the walleye dates.

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