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Somethings in my lens

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I just got a new lens the Canon 75-300 grin.gif, There is something inside on the lens. mad.gif It kinda looks like a very small piece of packing material. Can anyone pls tell me how to get this out? \:\(

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DeeDee, if you bought it from a store you should take it back for an exchange. If you bought it from an online vendor, you're probably better off sending it right to Canon for disassembly and cleaning under warranty.

These things do happen, though I know it's mighty irritating.

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I had the 75-300 and really liked it for outdoor work. At the time I was trying to get set up for taking sports inside and traded it in for a faster lens. Hassle of replacing aside, you'll like this lens when you get it back.

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DeeDee, where did you purchase it from? There are a few online retailers that treat their customers very well. If you got it from one of the reputable ones, you may be able to send it back for a fast replacement. Good luck.

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