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Trout Fishing this Weekend

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Anyone else going to get out trout fishing this weekend for the catch and release opener? I am going to try to get out and fly fish in the coulee region, not sure what to expect with snow and ice on some of the small streams. it is also supposed to get pretty warm on saturday i believe so there might be some high water.

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It might tough this year to get to open water. I check out a few deep pools last weekend and they were frozen. Hopefully today the sun comes out and melts off some snow to raise water levels.

Last year the high temp was about 20, not fun.

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I don't fish the kinnie that often any more, maybe once or twice a year. But when I lived closer to the area I fished it quite often. I've actually fish the rush a little more because I've always had better luck finding larger fish.

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i caught a few small browns on saturday. there was just enough wind to make it difficult to fish the smaller streams that i was fishing. still good to get out and spend some time on the stream. caught the fish on beadhead nymphs. 50 degree weather today might make the streams interesting next week.

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Very difficult conditions on Saturday: cold, ice and changing sky make for tough going. Still, it was fun to get out and fish, partner and I pulled up some decent browns.

Waiting until spring!

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Most of the water I wanted to fish was still iced up. Found some open water upstream but had little luck. The water was as low and clear as I've seen it and giant iceburgs were clogging up the river pretty good. I'll probably give it a week until I try it again.

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The Rush produced fish both sat. and sunday, despite being icy, windy and ultra clear... Watch the shelf Ice if anyone ventures out this week... not worth taking a bath in the 38 degree water...

#16 broze pheasant tails were top producer for me... Good luck all and stay safe

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fishing is starting to pick up as the temperatures rise. i have been catching a lot of nice fish on small beadhead nymphs. not many fish on the surface yet, i guess we havent had a solid week of warm weather to get a good hatch going. the water is still pretty clear in most streams so try to find some deep/fast runs to help camouflage yourself from the fish. how has everyone else been doing?

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Fishing has been great in western SW WI. Rivers are in perfect shape as of last weekend. Pt's were working, drifting up and across. Nothing big yet but still fun to get out and enjoy the driftless. Small hatches with would trigger a sipping rise.

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