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Solo trout fishing may not have been as solo as I thought...


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I've been trout fishing a lot since last winter. I caught my first rainbow with my brother, his best friend Noah and my boyfriend Jake. Well we all spent a lot of time out on the ice last winter moving around to different lakes for trout. But something bad happened last summer and Noah died, it was a very hard thing to go through, losing a friend who was so young. He was only in his early twenties. I'd known him for a long time since he'd been my brothers friend when they were young. So this years trout season has been hard and i know its been really hard on my brother since Noah was his fishing partner especially for trout. Well my brother and I put our ice houses out on Mott Pit where he and Noah had their house last winter. I quit my job so I was out fishing early one morning and just took my dog with me. We have a journal in our ice house to report how many fish we got, what times, what bait, and other specifics, I had got up and started looking for a pencil. And then I found an envelope so I opened it up naturally and it was pay stubs from last march and april but they weren't mine and they weren't jake's they were noah's. But Noah hadn't been in our permanent ice house but once and it was early in the season around christmas or January sometime. So i'm not entirely sure how those pay stubs got in my ice house but I'm pretty sure I wasn't alone that day on Mott.

Please always watch out for your friends because sometimes they cannot ask for help themselves.

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Casey, her maiden name is Putzel. But her mother is remarried and her name is Brenda Wudinich. I believe she is friends with Noahs mother. She told us the story and about the building they planned to name after him. Which I think is very cool in light of a horrible situation.

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Oh I know Brenda she works at the post office, and I know her step son. The Putzel's are my step dad's cousins, I know the one boy graduated a year ahead of me 05' I believe. Ya I think that all worked out good, I gotta call Cheryl this weekend to see if she wants to come over and visit.

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Sometimes unfortunetly, god gave us the ability to keep private what ever we see fit, and being the pridefull creatures we are that is not always a good fit. Just don't forget him and when you see someone else like Noah start things off with just a smile.

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