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Our Weekend


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As many of you know I have a six month old yellow lab named Kinsey. For my birthday (today) I wanted to take her to a game farm to see how she is progressing from my attempts to train her. (Please do not make this into a thread about game farms - this was a training exercise).

So five people and 20 birds at the game farm. We could not ask for a better day - 35 degress and sunny. A friend of my father brought his 2 1/2 year old lab. I was concerned that Kinsey would be too concerned about another dog to actually work.

The first quarter mile Kinsey looked like she just wanted exercise. Running fast as she could from the edge of the drive line to the next. Her speed, while impressive produced no birds.

After a couple birds were down she smelled them and related a little bit. A gun malfunction found us back at the vehicles and one guy had to leave for family reasons. Back out, but the 2 1/2 year old lab would not get out of the car. We opted to leave her. Kinsey was on her own.

Slowly walking to a pond area we stopped to talk. All of a sudden a rooster busted out of some weeds with Kinsey in tow. No one had a shot, but Kinsey actually found this bird. She was excited and got alot of praise.

Down to the ponds (where we were before). Kinsey to the front of me went into a patch of woods. I look up and she is nose to nose with a rooster sitting on a stump. She won't flush it but rather a solid POINT. I tell her to "GET" - it flushes and I shoot. Bird down. She runs over - dances and barks and brings it back to me after 2 minutes of gumming the bird. Now, I am kinda proud.

Back out hunting producing six more birds that the dog flushed/pointed up by herself. One wounded and running sent Kinsey into high gear chasing and barking (although hesitant to pick it up) she brought it back with wings hitting her face - to my hand.

A light went on yesterday - and I am one proud owner today. I have some pictures on my phone - I will try to post if I can figure it out.

Oh, forgot. I got home and Kinsey has pheasant blood on her face and side. I was excited to tell my wife everything Kinsey did and how proud I was. She looked at me and said "bath! Dog then you!"

Dog slept from 6:00p to 6:00a last night.

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Very nice!!!

First times are always special! Keep up the good work Kinsey... here's a "Wooo!" and an "atta girl" from Labs to You!

Keep it up Teal... you'll have one heck of a partner for the next decade!

Good Luck!


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Great job with Kinsey. That is always awesome. That proud feeling makes you glow for weeks on end. Maybe this summer when I'm down in the cities I will get a hold of you and get Kensey, Teal, and Widgeon together to make a day in the field. I have gotten some great feedback on this litter. Please Email me with some pics so I can update Teal's scrapbook when you get a chance, you got my email address. Great job again and keep in touch.


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