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Losing a buddy


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Well i have read other members tributes and postings about losing thier dogs and its always hard to read- We will soon be joining that group as we just got the lab results today from the Vet. Our 8 yo golden ret. has a rapidly spreading canceres tumor in his snout of all places.Brought him in last week because we thought he had a tooth infection but got this unexpected news instead.She gives him a "few weeks". He has been a great pup since we got him. Loved going to S.Dakota and up North grouse hunting along with our chocolate lab. Not looking forward to seeing what effect this has on her since the have been together almost thier whole lives. He has also been my 5yo sons best buddy and this will be his first experience with death which is going to be tuff. We were hoping he would make it till spring so we could give him a nice place to rest at the cabin but thats not going to happen unfortunatlly. What have the rest of you done with your dogs when they pass? How much is cremation? I could get a pick ax and dig a hole up at the lake and i still might end up doing that but wanted to see what others have done. This will be our first dealings with this. He is still alive and happy now but i just want to have things planned so we can enjoy the rest of the time we have left with him. Thanks for any info.

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DakotaKid sorry to here about your buddy. Really sucks when you have to go thru it. I cremated my dog about a year ago last fall. Wasn't too bad around $75-100. Came back from the vet in a nice tin. Then in the spring we buried her next to a tree in the yard and put a real nice stepping stone with her name on it. Daughter thought it was really nice and will often put flowers on it during the summer.

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Sorry to here of the bad news. It is a tough road we hoe, but a responsibility we except the day we pick them up as pups. Give him a couple of wonderful weeks and really spoil him. It'll help your soul. Don't try to "buy" the extra day. When it's time, you'll know and tell yourself it's the right thing to do. It's hard, but know that you are doing the right thing. Your chocolate may act a little confused the 1st few days, but will get into a new routine relativley quickly.

I agree cremation is the way to go in the winter. I'd hate to lay them in a shallow grave only to find a coon or 'yote dug them up. Make sure to tell the vet you'd like the remains and on that "oh so perfect day" lay your buddy to rest. You can take your time and find the right spot and the right day...

Good Luck on this journey, we're all here behind you pulling for you. When you're ready, tell us a little more about your buddy!

Good Luck!


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