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I was wondering where you can find crappies this time of year.Are they deep still or moving shallow? What depths are they at during the day and during the night. And also what is everybody using.
On the lake that I fish, there is a sunken island and then drops to 30 feet. Just wondering where I could find these crappies.
Thanks for any help.

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Hey there Northernboy - I have been fishing in about 30 feet of water and the crappies always seem to come through at about 21 feet. Been kind of a spastic year - a lot of on and off fishing. Been that way up on URL also from what they said today. I usually fish this same area until the end of March or so and then move towards the weedline. Hope that helps some.

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I would use the sonar and try all differnt depths. The other night the fish were biting right under the ice in 12 fow, 5foot down, 7foot down and right off the bottom. I just jig the minnow heavy every couple of feet until I see marks on the sonar.Most of the fish wont be in the cone but keep jigging hard until there's some action.

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I have found them from 30-15 feet of water at this time of the year. I would try drilling a line of holes from the deeper depth up till you find fish on the vex. It seems that they like the flats too, I haven't really got to many on the drop offs. They are also suspended quite a bit of the time, usually about four feet off the bottom. My best advice is keep punching holes until you find them, once you do find them they are usually so thick that you can't get the slip knot to the bobber before you have a bite. good luck!
><> deadeye

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