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Quick Strike Rigs

Fish Forever

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Lately, I've heard a lot of people going after pike using quick strike rigs. But all of the old posts I reviewed talk about using (2) treble hooks on a leader. I went to the store and all they have is QS rigs with (3) hooks. (2) trebles, and one single. Does anyone have a good reason to use one over the other. As I understand it the musky or pike usually bite the fish in the middle first to stun it and then later go back and pick up the dead ones laying at the bottom. If this is the case how do you hook dead baits? I thought the musky or pike will try to suck up the dead fish head first. Isn't that where the leader and swivel is? Just a little confused on how this rig works using dead fish. When do you set the hook? Does anyone have a picture that can help me with this one. Thanks for the responses ahead on time.

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we go to lotw evry march for the big northerns. i use set ups like this. tie your leader on your line, put a med size trebble on it, then take another leader and tie a trebble on the swivle end and clip a trebble on the clip end, put one trebble at the head end of your bait and one at the tail end, take the trebble on your (line) leader put it in the midd of your bait and run the second leader threw the clip of the line leader (use a piece of line to tie it in place). this gives you a QS rig that will alow the bait to swim and stay verticle. reg QS rig will tire out your bait and the bait will hang up and down. QS ris will work if you are using dead bait but not for live bait.
happy hunting

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I've used quick-strikes for live and dead bait with equal success. Never seen a rig like you describe, Forever. All the ones I've seen have two trebles or two double hooks. Maybe the ones you're talking about are better for really big baits, since you could put hooks in the head, back and tail, covering more of the bait.

PIke take bait any which way. I've fished quick-strikes with live bait and dead under bobbers, and have caught lots of pike on each set of hooks (one in the head, one behind the dorsal). Since I set the hook immediately, I can be pretty sure the hook that's in the fish shows where the fish hit the bait.

Howeve they take it, pike usually swim away with it in their mouths, then stop to turn the bait to swallow it head-first before moving off again. While you can set immediately with a quick-strike, if you're using a single hook it's best to wait for the pike to start moving the second time before setting the hook. Quick-strike rigs, by the way, lead to fewer deeply-hooked fish because the guesswork is taken out of how long to let the fish have the bait.

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a rig i used to make myself for fishing pike was to use a single #4 hook that you could buy that had a wire leader snell on it allready. then i would find a treble hook that the eye was big enough to slip over the snell end and slide down the leader easy . i fished with big shiners alot on a tree infested lake , it was im portant to be able to set the hook about as soon as the fish had it cause of the timber . hook the shiner in the lips lightly with the # 4 then slide the treble down to hook the shiner behind the dorsel abit . doing it this way i found that the bait would hang natural and be able to swim freely if hooked lightly..
good luck

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rockhardinmn: You've just described an excellent home-made quick-strike rig.

As I'm sure you know, to be legal in Minnesota a tiny spinner blade would have to be added to the rig so the DNR considers it a "lure."

Not so in Wisconsin.

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