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tip re-packing


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Its called Blu lube. It really works,but you have to dissasemble your tip ups and clean them very good,then lube them up. It only takes about 5 min. to clean and lube them.

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For Arctic Fisherman tip-ups, it takes a little more than 5 minutes. The only way to get them completely apart is to remove the spool at the bottom. This is done by melting the solder on the end. Obviously, the line must first be removed. Once the spool is removed, you can pull the rod out from the top. I use a coat hanger and force pieces of cotton gun cleaning patches through the tube. Once you have everything good and clean, then you can use the blue lube to repack them and then resolder the spool. It takes a little practice, but you will get better at it. I repacked 8 arctics and 6 polars this year. The polars are a lot easier as they don't require melting the solder. You just have to remove the nut from the top and the rod falls out the bottom. I will say one thing. It is worth doing. I can't believe how it much smoother they operated with fresh grease.

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I'm pretty sure all you need to do is sweat the brass T off the top instead of removing and resoldering the spool. If your like me ( not real swift with a soldering iron ) you can send the spindles back to Arctic Fisherman and for a fee they will regrease/replace them for you. I've sent/taken them there in the past and it's like getting a whole new tip up. Each time my spindles were replaced instead of regreased.
Last time I sent some in it was like $3.50-4 apc. I'm sure it costs more now a days.
Thier phone # is on the box.

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I have been looking for info on how to do the Beaver Dams. Thanks hunt4food for the info. I was able to find a bottle of blue lube and finally tackled the tipup that has been driving me nuts. It took about 20 minutes and now works like new.

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