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Tip-up pike in the metro


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I have been out a few times already in the south near my home in Savage. Cedar is the dead sea for pike, but the gills are on. Real good size fish too. Marion in Lakeville has produced a good number of flags, the added bonus is the typical 2 or 3 chunky bass that take the shiners. The question is this. Any spots for numbers of flags? Size of fish reall doesn't matter. I am looking to get some rookies some real action.

Thanks fellas, It has been awhile since I was in the mix.

The Wolf

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i was at owasso today and we caught a number of smaller northerns in between the walleyes, the only thing i was mad aboot was the big northern i did catch hit my walleye jig took me twenty minutes to get him through the hole 28" one of the short fat ones was 6.4 pounds on my scale, fattest northern i have ever seen

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