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Hey guys I'm 15 and relativley new at ice fishing. I just bought a Fish Trap Guide Shelter but I really don't know what tackle poles and other ice fishing equipment to get. I live in northern Iowa on a lake and will be fishing for mostly bluegills, crappies, perch, and occasionally walleyes. Any information or tips would be great from you more experienced ice anglers. Thanks for Helping me.

Good Fishing,

[This message has been edited by Berkley (edited 01-05-2003).]

[This message has been edited by Berkley (edited 01-05-2003).]

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Berk, welcome to the world of fishing and Web info.

I'm not trying to put you off, but there is a wealth of information already posted here on tons of threads.

You'll notice that, when you get to the forum home page and all the boards are listed, there are some down at the bottom by fish species. Those are good ones to look on. Also look on equipment/expert information, the main ice fishing board (like you've already done), and then on the Iowa board.

When you call up each board, scroll down to the bottom of the page and there will be a line of numerals for page after page of older threads.

There are hundreds of really helpful folks here, but the question you asked was so general that it would take half an hour to reply in enough detail to do you any good.

You also should post an inquiry on the Iowa board to see if there's any experience ice fisherman who lives near you who would take you out a few times so you can watch how it's done and pick his brain.

Good luck.

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