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fishing trip


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Some buudies and I are looking to make our first ice fishing trip and was looking for some recomendations on resorts or places to stay with ice house rentals. We are thinking of going somewhere on mille lac's, but am open to other lakes as well but not looking to travel too much further north. Mainly want to try for walleye northern.Also any comments on tackle(pole,bait-lures) needed to land these bad boys is really appreciated. Thanks for the help smile.gif


Have an Ice day :)

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Walleye fishing on Mille Lacs has been bad lately. That can change at the drop of a hat, though, and if you're looking for big ice for walleye other than M.L., you're talking Winnie or Lake of the Woods, and those are quite a hop further.

As for tackle and techniques, most experienced ice anglers could write a small book on that, and your question is very general, so it's hard to spend the long time it would take to answer that in any detail, because, well, where does one start . . . ? grin.gif

However, when you settle on a resort/rental place, pump them for information on what to bring. Because then you are a paying customer, and their livelihood depends on giving you the information to have a successful outing.

Also, the basics are covered in any number of ice fishing books available at local bookstores, and you can get a GIANT TON of info on this site by paging through old posts.

Good luck.

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