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Tis the season

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For ants!!!!! mad.gif The little tiny ones that you can't see until there are hundreds of them crawlin around the dog food dish like they own the place.

I live in a rather old house and sealing it up has been an ongoing project since I bought it 12 years ago. I know I have to stop them from getting in the house. Besides sealing it up better is there a spray that is recommended for these ishy buggers???

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When I lived in the country a few years back I had a few problems with ants. I was told of a way to elimenate them from getting inside the house. I mixed up some stuff with water and sprayed it adround the foundation and steps and it worked very well.

I could not remember what I used and called the boss( wife) and she said I put Ivory dish soap around the steps and foundation. Not diluted much if any. This really almost stopped them in thier tracks. If it rains, you may have to repeat application.

Good luck as they can be a pain.

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