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A fun trip to DL

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What a fun trip. The fish were not helpful for us on Tuesday but Wednesday was fantastic. What a great fishery.

Great size and we caught about 30 eyes from 7 am too 11 am.. size was tiny 9just a couple to eaters -0- 15-18 and about 15 over 20 inches. biggest in the boat was 25 inch. Had a couple to the boat t6hat were bigger but lost them, of course.

It was great and I think everyone should give the DL a try. We had a great guide as well.


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Ok -- I do have one very painful story to tell you. First of all I am NOT one to add on to a story or the size of a fish. At least I am not doing it now.

Anyway after doing very well Wednesday am I had a very nice hit. A big fish -- no question about it. I brought him up and before the "guide" could get the net he surfaced. My dad and I saw a monster walleye. I saw him out of the water so I know he was big -- not just "water" big.

He must have seen the net and he did one last run. and broke my line -- or at least I thought. When I reeled up I had a jig that was attached to my hook. Yes, a huge mister twister that was starting to rust. It had some line attached to it as well.

My guess is that when I set the hook I caught the other guys hook!!!!

What are the odds of that?

The fish had to be between 8-12 pounds and I am guessing about 30 inches -- like 10 pounds. Man that is tough to deal with.

What are the odds? I guess that is how they get big -- they get smarter and they have to be a little lucky.

100 percent true story.

Did anyone lose that lure? wink.gifgrin.gifcool.gif

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