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digging dog


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anybody have an idea/product in mind that will keep my dog from digging in my landscaping for a cool place to take a nap? I have tried putting large rocks in her favorite places but she just moves over to the edge of the rocks and digs again. really starting to pee me off

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We were talking about this in the hunting dogs forum a few weeks ago. The one idea that stood out was to knock back a few pops or beers and then go mark your own territory where Fido has been digging.

I have not tried it yet but my lab has started to back off the excavating.

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My English Springer started digging when she was about 6 months old. I asked the dog trainer that I used for puppy training what to do about it. He recommended taking her fresh droppings, put it in the hole and covering it up about an inch underground. He said a dog will always go to an old hole and dig the softest dirt first. He said they will stick their nose in it. He told me to keep at it daily. It took about two weeks and the dog hasn't dug a hole for two years.

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