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cost of buliding a fish house


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I built a fishouse for up on LOW a couple of years ago, a decent one with all the goodies and had about $2500 into it. Just add the cost of frame and wheels and there ya go! I would recommend buying a wheel house unless your a skilled carpenter,welder,finisher,electrician.... well you get it. Good Luck! smile.gif

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I actually just priced one out this last fall as I tried to sell mine and start over. I couldn't touch a new one, with the crank down wheel frames, for under $5,500.00 or so. That included the carpet, radio, lights, etc, but still cheaper than buying one like a 5-star or something like that which sell around $7000 - $8000 depending on size.

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I picked up a new one for just under $6,000 - It was just the shell but did have 2 cupboards, heater, carpet, holes, lights ect.

I built the bunks, shelves, and installed a stove and oven - and put the things I installed where I wanted them

I'm happy

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about $2000 more than you estimate. shocked.gif Seriously they call them houses for a reason. They can vary from "shotgun shacks" to mansions. What I would do is keep an eye out for a used house, Until you've owned or spent a lot of time in a house you really won't know what works best for you. I'd buy used and smaller than you think you want and move up as money allows. $0.02

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about $2000 more than you estimate.

I'll agree with that! smile.gif These things nickle and dime you to death when you are bulding them.

I built a 7' x 12' skid house for about $3,000 including Empire Furnace, Catch Covers, Steel siding & roof, RV style door, Insulated sliding windows, etc.

Going price for a decent drop axle trailer is about $1,500-2,000 or more so if my shack would have been a drop axle, I would have had about $4,500 into it.

I built this 3 years ago and the cost of construction materials has definitely gone up!

Good Luck!

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if You can build the trailer yourself you can save alot of cash- but you gotta know what your doing. I built a 14x6 for 2500. But i really searched for deals on the material and cut some corners. I wa able to get all the siding for 100 bucks but i had to sort through and mix and match to get similar color. I put a 125 buck ventless heater in it. Someone donated 2 windows. The cook top came off an old grill, the counter top was from a piece of scrap at a rodel site. etc. etc.

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I just bought a 6x16 frame/shell and finished the rest myself(insulation,wiring,paneling, bunks, hole covers, heater etc.) I will have about $7000 into it. I did not cut corners. I wanted it nice and safe. Ventless heater will save money but I want to wake up the next morning. I did a lot of research about whether I should build myself or buy finished. I think I would have saved about $1000 if I would have build frame and shell myself. Plus I have a frame that will last forever and a lot less work into the house. The little things add up in cost(LED lighting,catch covers, rattle reels, bunk cushions$$, cook stove, etc. ) Lastly, if you plan on sleeping in house buy a direct vent heater, they are about $500 for a 20,000btu but you will not have any condensation like you will with a ventless and you will not wake up with purple lips and a headache, if you wake up with a ventless. just my two cents

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If you buy a frame and watch for the sales at Menards and Fleet you can easily build it for $5000.00 or less. As far as the frills inside you can shop on hsolist, and watch the clearance isle at Wal-Mart for some great deals.

I have built this 16', 2 man sleeper loaded whith all the bells and whistles for less then $5700.00.

Some examples are:

I purchased the CD deck and speakers at Wal-Mart on clearance $75.00

Boat seats on hsolist $60.00 each

TV/DVD hsolist $120.00

Blinds at Wal-Mart $4.00 each

Carpet on clearance at Mills Fleet $1.05 per lin ft

Waynes coat clearance at menards $3.00 per package (great deal)

My sister made the curtains for my birthday

I made the cabinets, shelves, table, and countertop out of leftovers in the shop.

You get the picture. Have fun and good luck.







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Nice looking house.

I may be inheriting a drop down frame fishhouse, which I plan to gut and do over, but I don't know if I'll be spending what everyone else is talking about. Maybe I'll keep using the portable and renting sleepers until I finally develop my line of trees that grow money.

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