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A note to any remaining duck hunters that were planning on coming out this way... This morning temps were around 20 degrees and several small - moderate sized ponds were froze over. Lows are projected to stay around 20 the rest of the week with highs just barely to the freezing point through Friday.


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Marine man.

I am losing sleep over the same issue. However, if you look at the forecast beyond Friday, which I realize may or may not be reliable, the temps are supposed to climb back up - even above freezing for the overnight lows! Next week the daytime highs may reach into the 50's, and even 60's in some areas.

I'm not giving up hope yet. Most of the birds around now are from the Northern stretches of Canada. They are very hardy birds, and may even stay around with most of the water frozen - as long as there is big water open, and food available.

There is even a possibility that some of these big flights might move back north a bit. I've seen it happen before. They just dodged the snow and cold for a couple days. Key word - HOPE wink.gif!

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I won't be the one to rain on your parade because I know how that goes... as well as big hunting / fishing trips when the weather won't cooperate.

I hope it does warm up next week.. I've got lots of odds and ends to get done before the snow flies and I'll take every day I can get.

It's hard not to look forward to ice fishing though... that's for sure... especially given all the ice around here... if I were a brave soul I could probably almost fish a couple sloughs on the way to work...


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