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Honda ESP


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I few weeks ago my electric shift quit working on me. Right away I though great how much it this going to cost to fix. I took it in and the mechnic called me and said it was done. I asked what was wrong. He said that some of the wires were chewed through by a mouse or something. I told him it was at the lake and there is a good population of red squirrals so I suppose one of those little buggers crawled in and had a little feast of wire and insulation. Darn little thing but at least it wasn't a major problem.

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I'm so sick of those things, they got into my rubicon last winter and what a mess they chewed everything from the handle bar grips to the wiring harnes, $280 and a couple of 22 rounds later everything was ok.

I have come to realy hate red squirals over the years mad.gif, it seem like if you kill one there budys come back for revenge on somthing else like the house or snowmoible..

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