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Litefoot Tracks


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I was just curious if any of you guys or ladies have Litefoot tracks and what you think of them. How much does a set run? Can you go through a fair amount of snow with them? Are they durable. I would be mainly using them for ice fishing and think they would be ideal when the snow gets a bit deeper toward the end of the year.

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Dave used some last year I think. I use the Prospector tracks by Polaris. I went where ever I wanted. I'm sure Dave did to. Polaris's are for snow only and the Litefoots are for mud,snow, and most anywhere else but pavement. Pavement will shorten the track life on both. The Polaris Tracks are 3K but seen them for sale a few hundred less if you search around. The Litefoots run around $4,200 the last I heard but Dave would be a better guy to ask on that.

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