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That's It! It's time to "Go To the Mattresses"!!!


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Alright, I've had it with the darn mushrooms popping up all over my yard! It's time to "Go To the Mattresses"!!!

So, does anyone know exactly what chemical or whatever I can use to get rid of these gosh darn things? And no, they're not Morels, if they were, I wouldn't be complaining. smirk.gif

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I believe what you need to buy is a very good fungicide.I dont remember what brand name I used for a once a year application for two years.The first year it took care of about 80% and last year the rest.This year no schrooms and two years ago I had a very good crop.Try your local hardware store or a chemical plant like a co-op.I bought it in a aersol can and just sprayed it on.Dont get any on you and I would wear gloves and a face mask so you dont inhale it.The hardware store in Arlington is where I got mine. smile.gif

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Maybe I should stop at Agri-Fleet here in town (farm supply store) and see if they have anything. If they don't, I'll be e-mailing you about where you got your stuff.

It's just crazy in my back yard right now. Got back from vacation, mowed the lawn, and in 2 days there were 5 different patches of mushrooms that popped up, with new patches seemingly popping up every other day. mad.gif

Thanks Tom.

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Basscatcher -

A couple of questions I've got for you.

Is your backyard real shady??

Also, do you have an irrigation system??

Usually, mushrooms are a result of too much moisture in the ground. I've got a couple of commercial places that water the property so much they have a mushroom problem.

If you have an in ground irrigation system, I'd suggest maybe backing off on it just a hair.

If your back yard is extremely shady, maybe down the road look into clearing a couple of branches out to open up the canopy just a hair more. Not only will it help with the mushrooms, but your grass may grow a little better as well.

I'll find out what the name is for the chemical today when I get a chance, and post it tonight for you, unless someone beats me to it.

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