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97 Polaris 425 Magnum Question?


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so i just bought this four wheeler about 2 months ago and haven't had a problem with it yet, up untill today that is. i went to start it and noticed it wasn't running right when i tried to go it would take alot of gas just to get it to move, and it barely moved? i also noticed the last time the oil was changed was in 02 and it didn't seem to have any tranny oil either, if i put some in now since i didn't drive it like this for more then a few feet would it fix it or do u think it is shot? any suggestions would be much appreciated. thanks

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If its been run dry it probably already taken some of the life off of it but at this point what do you have to lose....fill er up and give it a drive.....you'll know right away if there is still a problem.

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