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arcticcat help


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I have had experience with all different kinds of ATV's. I own two honda ATV's and would not trade for nothing else, they are usually a little more expensive but they dont have chains to deal with, coolant, its more like a machine and not a car, another good brand that i did like was yamaha, the only bad thing that i noticed was out of the exhaust it blew a little bit of oil which stinks if you were following someone or if you used it for deer hunting. Just my .02 cents, everybody has there opinion though.

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The only 300 cats I have been around are a little older machines. The only real problum I have seen with them is that they keep burning the head lights out. Maybe cat has done somthing different there. The only other thing I personaly would have against owning a 300 in any make is the ground clearance. I started out with a 300 xplorer and it took me and my wife any place the big guy's went but it worked harder at it mainly because of ground clearance. For that reason I would suggest steping up to a 400 in what ever make you like.

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