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Hare Scrambles/Utility Class Racing


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I am trying to find some more information on some Hare scrambles in Minnesota.

I found some info at http://www.armca.org./ Some questions I have are does anyone from FM participate in these?

What are the requirements to participate in these? Do you just have to be a member of the ATVA or AMA and sign up for the district. I have the proper equipment (kill switch, helmet, chest protector and boots etc...) I am sure there are other fees per race sign up etc...

Also I am not sure on this, as the info for the utility class is unclear. It says any machine that comes stock from the factory with a rack.

I have a 2004 Polaris Scrambler and as most of you know its kind of a cross sport/utility. It doesnt come with racks as a standard feature, but they make racks for them. I do have a rear rack for it, but would rather race with out it on.

I am racing in the IARVHSS (iowa) in a couple weeks and they go out of there way to say the scrambler is ok for the utility class and I was told you dont have to race with a rack.

thanks for your help, looking forward to possibly racing in some new areas this year.

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I tracked down a couple of buddies and hopefully their replies answers some of your questions.

Response #1

Tell him this:

You have to be an ATVA or AMA member to race since it is sanctioned. If you don't have a membership, you can buy one at the track. You also have to have an ARMCA membership. A one-day membership (for $10) can be purchased the day of the race.

You will have to pay a gate fee and an entry fee (plus any other membership dues) in order to race. His 4x4 Scrambler is legal in the utility class according to the ARMCA Quad Harescramble board rep, but I think those guys and the Sport C class only race an hour. Where the B and A class race two hours.

Response #2

I can't answer all of this guy's questions but I can answer some.

You need to be a member of ATVA or the AMA to enter. You also need to be an AMA District Member (any AMA District will do). MN is District 23 and Iowa is District 22. He can sign up for the ATVA or AMA and the District right at any race.

You could contact the Hare Scrambles Points Keeper to find out more about equipment rules. His name is Jay Waalen and his email is: [email protected].

The other thing he could do is just show up for his first event and ask someone at signup which class he can enter.

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Hey Rundrave,

Maybe I'll see you at a couple of events this year. A good place to get your racing questions answered at (other than e-mailing Jay) would be at the ARMCA Quad Harescramble message board: http://www.armca.org/venue/quadhs_page.htm

I don't think the ATVA membership will help at an ARMCA District 23 event, but I could be wrong.

Just make sure you keep your machine quiet, we can't afford to lose any more riding areas plus it is a requirement to race.

Good luck and I'll see you at Monticello YMCA in May!! Last year it was snowing!! grin.gif

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I will definately be taking a look and seeing if I can work a race or 2 into my schedule. I dont plan on doing the whole points thing etc... just want to go out and race a few weekends here and there, and possibly on some new courses.

Dont worry as for now the scrammy is bone stock (except for a chain tensioner for the jumps), I dont need any mods to blow away the other big heavy utilities in that class grin.gif

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