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Spring Trail Conditions - Let's Do Our Part


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DNR urges OHV users to check trail conditions; restrictions

placed on ditch riding (2006-03-14)

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds

riders that Minnesota law prohibits ditch riding south of

the agriculture line between April 1 and Aug. 1. The

agriculture line runs roughly from Moorhead to Taylors

Falls along Highway 10 and Highway 95. The purpose of this

prohibition is to minimize disturbance of nesting birds and

to protect the cover that ditches provide.

With warm weather on the way, many off-highway vehicle

(OHV) riders are anxious to hit the trails. But because

state forest roads and trails are typically wet during the

spring, the DNR will need to temporarily close some areas.

The DNR asks riders to check on trail conditions and

temporary closures before planning riding trips.

OHV riders are reminded that Minnesota Rules state in part,

"No person shall operate a motor vehicle or snowmobile on

forest lands in a manner that causes erosion or rutting."

"Spring is hard on trails," said Keith Simar, State Forest

Recreation Program coordinator. "The spring thaw produces

soft soils that are susceptible to rutting. Temporary

closings will begin immediately in some areas. Even though

the DNR will temporarily close some roads and trails, we

also want to give riders as many riding opportunities as

possible, and provide a convenient way users can check on

which roads and trails are still open. We urge riders to

check with the DNR about trail conditions and temporary

closings," Simar said.

Temporary road/trail closure information is available on

the DNR Web site at www.dnr.state.mn.us or the quick link


Closure information is also available by calling the DNR

Information Center at (651) 296-6157 or toll free

1-888-MINN-DNR (646-6367). The DNR will also post signs at

entry points and at parking lots in state forests.

"The DNR will work to let users know when and where they

can ride," Simar said. "We will lift road and trail

closures as soon as possible. In turn, we ask users to

check before riding to avoid areas that are temporarily

closed and to ride responsibly wherever they are."

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