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E Collar Question?


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Just wondering? I have resently purchased a e collar for my yellow. wondering what the best dvd/book of whatever is good for introductions to the collar. Also for training tips and getting started? thanks


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Look at Mike Lardy's system. I have trained a couple dogs and use his system. It is spendy, but if you know someone you can copy the material and tapes. Local Library may have it also, or will maybe get it for you. He has a collar conditioning tape that is great. I get more out of the reading material, but the tapes are useful to see how they do it, and what to look for in your dog.

Tritronics also has a collar conditioning video

Water dog is a good training system to follow.

There are many good ones out there, just do a search on the internet and you will come up with a lot. It all depends on what you want out of your dog. I would try to fit a training system to what you plan on getting out of your dog training.

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