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ATV Study Of North Shore Trail


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MARCH 2, 2006

Media contact: Tom Danger, DNR Trails & Waterways manager,

(651) 259-5616.

DNR completes ATV study of North Shore Trail

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today

released its study examining the feasibility of adding

summer season all-terrain vehicle (ATV) use to all or

portions of the North Shore State Trail. ATV use is

currently prohibited on all but six miles of this 146-mile

state corridor trail, which is used primarily in winter for


The study, which was requested by the Minnesota Legislature

in 2005, identifies those trail segments that are

physically capable of sustaining ATV use, either as is, or

with specified mitigation, modification or reroute. It also

provides cost estimates for projected modifications.

The final report contains detailed data on the physical

capacity of the trail to handle ATV traffic based on a

thorough, mile-by-mile corridor inspection and technical

analysis. This analysis, conducted in coordination with

county and federal land managers, describes surface water

and wetland issues, trail stabilization needs, potential

corridor use conflicts and land ownership concerns. It

identifies segments of the trail that would require

alteration, and the estimated costs for modifications

deemed necessary to accommodate ATV travel without

displacing current trail users. Trail modifications are

also intended to protect surface water quality by

minimizing the potential for soil erosion and stream


In addition, the report identifies a number of

administrative and logistical issues that would need to be

addressed prior to authorizing ATV use of the trail. These

include such things as updating corridor use and landowner

agreements, environmental review, and the required

amendment of the existing North Shore Trail master plan,

which does not currently permit ATV use except for the

six-mile segment near Finland. Improved mapping, signing,

increased maintenance and enforcement would also be needed

to head off potential visitor conflicts or safety issues

stemming from the addition of summer-season ATV traffic.

DNR Trails and Waterways Director Laurie Martinson thanked

officials from Cook, Lake and St. Louis counties, and the

Superior National Forest for their help with the study, and

"for their strong commitment to cooperative management of

ATV recreation on public lands along Minnesota's scenic

North Shore."

The "All-Terrain Vehicle Use on the North Shore State

Trail: A Feasibility Study" is available on the DNR Web

site at www.dnr.state.mn.us and at www.findthetrails.com.

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