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Who knows what the law is on the height for a permenant stand? Im building one with a metal pipe base and was thinking of making it 14-16ft tall with a blind on top that would be 7ft tall.Thats a total of 21-23ft tall.Is this legal?

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Harvey this is all that I can find on tree stands under the regulations.

Tree Stands. No person shall construct or use a permanent tree stand or permanent steps to a tree stand on any State Wildlife Management Area, USFWS National Wildlife Refuge, Waterfowl Production Area, or Wildlife Development Area. Permanent tree stands and permanent steps to tree stands are defined as those which are (1) fastened to the tree with nails, spikes, bolts or other metal fasteners driven or screwed into the tree or are (2) themselves fixtures driven or screwed into the tree. Portable tree stands and natural tree stands may be used. Portable tree stands and portable steps to tree stands are defined as those which are held to the tree but do not penetrate the bark of the tree. Portable tree stands may not be put up before Aug. 20, 2005 and they must be taken down by Jan. 10, 2006.Tree stands must be removed daily on National Wildlife Refuges. Portable tree stands on Waterfowl Production Areas and Wildlife Development Areas may be used in accordance with state regulations.

Since the way you are talking about building it even though it would be tough to move I think that you could condiser it a portable so I don't believe there would a height requirement but I might be wrong.

You can contact the Game and Fish at the follow email address and they are usually good about returning your requests.

[email protected]

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