muzzy Posted February 25, 2006 Share Posted February 25, 2006 I was wondering if anyone had any insight on public land in area 346. Anyone ever been to the two WMA's along the Root River? I am not able to hunt on the private land that me, my aunt, and brother go to because the family has someone else booked up this year which is fine. I'm just bummed because we finally got drawn for the first season which I hope will help our odds for once. This may be a good opportunity to hit public land? Any info on these tracts of land would be greatly appreciated. I'm from Brainerd and am unable to do any true scouting of the area. Next year I'll have to apply for this area, but love the valleys of the SE!Muzzy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hotspotter Posted February 26, 2006 Share Posted February 26, 2006 Muzzy:Welcome, and glad to see you in the turkey forum!I do not have direct knowledge of that permit area, and possible hunting opportunities. Hopefully though, the published landowner list will be a place to get you started. Go to the top of the forum and view the post titled:"Spring '06 Turkey - Landowner List"Good luck!Joel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
picksbigwagon Posted March 3, 2006 Share Posted March 3, 2006 If I am remembering my areas, 346 is north of the root river. One of the public areas is just down stream from houston. I have a little knowledge of the area, I would suggest heading down in the next week or two and scouting it out. one of the areas is in a coulee, so you would want to get there before sun up and see where they go in the morning and then scout from there.......Knock on a couple doors too, most people will either give you access or point you in the right direction. Unfortunately, many people down there are getting used to us city people paying them for access....don't be surprised if someone wants some cash to hunt on their land..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
muzzy Posted March 4, 2006 Author Share Posted March 4, 2006 Thanks picks for the info.I'd like to make a scouting trip but doubt that I'd be able to. I think that I am stuck winging it and hopefully just get lucky I guess. How much money do you think "city" people pay? Just curious. I'm not one to go door to door. I did one time out of desperation pheasant hunting when me and my dog were on our last legs w/ no birds. The farmer let me hunt on his very prime property but only because I wasn't from the cities.Muzzy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
picksbigwagon Posted March 5, 2006 Share Posted March 5, 2006 The land I used to hunt just north of Houston, was leased out for one deer season for 3000, thats for 80 acres.......not out of the ordinary from what I have heard.......The public area northeast of houston, is river bottom and coulee's, so I would get in on the low land early and climb the ridges in the afternoon......of course last year, I had 30+ mph winds I was out, really shut everything down except the coyotes. I didn't get drawn this year, but I will be down coyote hunting instead...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MNpurple Posted March 5, 2006 Share Posted March 5, 2006 I do all of my hunting in 346. I think you are talking about the mound prairie and the root river WMA. Both are river bottoms, they really dont get up onto the ridges too much. Although I have seen turkeys there once in a great while, the odds are much better in the uplands, especially early because these areas can flood out in the spring. If I were you I would pick up one the those MN gazateers (I see them at Gander Mountain all the time) and concentrate on pieces of state forest land. There are quite a few pieces of state forest property in 346. Dont mistake the Richard J Doer State Forest as all public land, its not. There are many public pieces mixed in amongst it though. You will do just fine on these public pieces, especially being first season and birds having had no pressure. It would benefit you so much if you could get down here even just for a day with a map and at least locate all of the public pieces. That way when your season starts you can just hunt instead of search for the land.People down here are much more willing to allow you to hunt private land for turkey than deer, and many times for no charge. The strike against you though is that you are first season, and landowners who hunt after you might not want you out there before them. If I wasnt hunting the 2nd season, my sister the 3rd and old man the 4th. I would be willing to open up some of my properties to ya' Seriously though, find the state forest tracts and hunt there, being the first season, it will be just like private property, just be careful of other hunters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
muzzy Posted March 7, 2006 Author Share Posted March 7, 2006 MNpurple, Thanks bud for the insight! I do have a gazeteer, love it...I actually use it often for finding WMA's huntin' pheasants in SW MN. Yes, I was wondering about Mound Prairie and Root River WMA. I'll check the state forest's out instead. Thanks for that, as you probably saved me a lot of time. My wife will be due close to the time that I am down there so I will have a tough time convincing her that I need a day to go down there for a scoutin' trip There is getting to be a lot of turkey in the Brainerd area up here and I think I might have to start putting in for this area. The problem is though they only give out 40 permits and it takes at least 3 preference points to get one I guess. I figure if it happens...great, whatta trophy it would be...and if it doesn't...oh well at least I'm out turkey hunting! Thanks again and good luck! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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