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Hey there I've been trying to get ahold of you. Ya must have got the new place you were looking at. I sent e-mail but came back. If ya still have my e-mail or phone number get ahold of me, they havn't changed.

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Hey Griz, nice to hear from you. Yep, I moved. Only way to get Bret to get serious about building a house and moving out of mine. I moved a bit east of North Branch into a little township called Sunrise. I like the land but hate the house. MAybe I'll move to Duluth next. At least I can get some decent snow.

I've been running those pups that you saw last year. Holy dump are they strong and fast. Last time I was up at the cabin I decided to run all twelve. Hard to describe the power they have.

Anyway, I suppose I shouldn't use a lot of the bandwidth for personal stuff. My new e-mail address is torgersonerik at yahoo.com . Look forward to hearing from you.

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