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MN & Wisc ATV Associations Join Forces


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IMO...if you own an ATV, join an ATV association.

Press Release

All-Terrain Vehicle Association Of Minnesota And Wisconsin

All-Terrain Vehicle Association Hold Conference

EAU CLAIRE, Wis. (January 21st and 22nd, 2006) – An

historic partnership between the All-Terrain Vehicle

Association of Minnesota (ATVAM), and the Wisconsin

All-Terrain Vehicle Association (WATVA), was forged

recently when the presidents and executive boards of the

two groups met to discuss various issues regarding the

sport of all-terrain vehicle (ATV) recreation.

Both groups, lead by WATVA president Randy Harden and ATVAM

president Dave Hendricks, gave detailed presentations on

various policy issues and current state laws, partnering

with other user-groups, state agencies, and the promotion

of safe and responsible ATV recreation.

Gary Hanson, the North-East Trails Coordinator for the

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources was also present.

Mr. Hanson presented useful information on trail sharing

and sustainable trail building to protect our natural

resources for future generations. Hanson, who has worked as

a trail consultant with the WATVA for over 12 years, was

very pleased the two organizations are developing a working

relationship. Dave Hendricks said, “Both organizations are

committed to addressing these and other issues related to

the rapidly growing ATV recreation and to jointly work

through the challenges that go along with them.”

Board members from ATVAM were especially interested in

WATVA’s Trail Patrol Ambassador (TPA) program. The

Wisconsin program has nearly 700 certified patrollers. Last

year alone the Trail Patrol Ambassador’s Program patrolled

over 22,000 miles of Wisconsin trails. This program is

endorsed by the WI-DNR and has become valuable to law

enforcement as the “eyes and ears” of the trail. The

success of this program has made a positive impact in

Wisconsin by curtailing inappropriate behavior, assisting

riders who may be lost or having trouble, and educating

riders on laws and the responsible use of ATVs. TPA was

created by the Wisconsin Legislature in 2003.

ATVAM unsuccessfully promoted the creation of a similar

trails ambassador’s program in the 2005 legislative

session, but is committed to continue to press for passage

of this program.

“Our organizations have many similarities when it comes to

staying focused, working to achieve our goals and ensuring

the future of our recreation stays on course”, explained

Harden. “We know there will be many challenges ahead of

us, but we are determined to meet those challenges and work

through them in practical and professional manner”.

WATVA, in existence since 1983, is a statewide organization

that addresses the issues and opportunities facing people

concerned with creating a positive future for ATV

recreation. The mission of WATVA is to create and sustain

an ongoing communications forum through which ATV

enthusiasts and their organizations and supporters can

share information and experience, participate in

educational opportunities, and become partners in creating

a positive image of the sport.

ATVAM, also started in 1983, has been an integral part of

advancing ATV usage in Minnesota. Promoting the

advancement of sustainable trail systems, education of ATV

riders, and supporting enforcement efforts enables ATVAM

continuous growth in positive efforts across the state.

ATVAM represents 10,000 members from across the state, has

sixty-eight local clubs and numerous businesses and

manufactures in support of proper use and ATV recreational


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