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Mallard Creek Kennels


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Mallard Creek Kennels - Sunburg MN. Any feedback or knowledge appreciated. I'm looking for a started lab and they have several listed on Working Retriever Central. I trust the opinions here and before I get too involved hoping to hear any good, bad or indifferent comments.



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Sent our young dog to Jason for a month of obedience. We had a couple of vacations planned and 2 weeks of boarding was more expensive than a month of training. Since our normal trainer was in Tx for the winter, I decided to use Mallard Creek. A month isn't a whole lot of time to accomplish anything but was very pleased with the work that was achieved. Would definitely use him again. Can't add anything about his started dogs. Was about a year ago that I used him and I'm sure his dogs have changed since then.

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Since you know about the WRC site, try seaside retrievers. They have a couple of dogs that they are selling that are trained by the trainer I use. I saw those dogs quite a bit last summer and could probably give you some better info on Darby, Lucy & Crash.

Good Luck

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Jason is a nice guy and a good dog trainer. I have seen a couple of his dogs in action and they were very good. He takes very good care of them also. Jason is friends with my cousin and they all do a lot of dog training together.

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Thanks for the feedback guys sounds like a well run outfit. I'll check on the seaside retrievers too.

My present lab is 8 and getting arthritic so unfortunately the time has come to start looking for a successor. My current job (and wife's pregnency) isn't going to allow enough time for the full puppy "experience" so even though I have never done it before I'm looking to go the started dog route.

Thanks again.

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