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Superbowl of Pointing Dog Trials in 2 weeks...


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The 107th running of the National Championship will be starting on Feb 13, 2006. It's an All-age horseback trial consisting of 3 hr braces. It's held at Ames Plantation in Tennessee. If you want more info post your email and I'll shoot you the Ames Plantation HSOforum. It'll have the drawings for the braces and when the trial is underway it will have a brief synopsis of each brace that was run. It's an English Pointer and English Setter only trial. Most of the All-Age continentals don't compete in the circuit that the All-Age pointers and setters run in. Only a handful of continentals could compete at this level anyways (but we're catching up!!!).

So far there are 3 setters nominated for the trial. You can bet I'm rooting for a setter. Cane Creek Brutus is the dog for me. He just competed in another 3 hr trial, The National Free-For-All Championship. He was 1 of 6 dogs, and the only setter, that made it to the call backs but did not win. What this means is he's got the "bottom" to run all out for 3 hrs while hunting in some nasty stuff and potentially nasty conditions.

Again, if you are interested in this stuff, and I know most of us aren't, post your email and I'll get the url to you.


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