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Think Labs is up there right now. Not sure if Dave has his dog on but know that Greg has already left for Tx. Got a young one on his trailer that we are going to find out potential of.

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She is just over a year old. For sure will run her in hunt tests to keep titles on the pedigree. Not sure about trials yet. Should know how much promise she has after the Texas trip.

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Hey D.B.,

Was up to Cass doing a little fishing... Dave sent Trace down last week. Greg said to do a little hunting with her this fall (so we did grin.gif). He says she really made some huge leaps this late summer and he said he will be running some quals. down there this winter. Hopefully she does well. Hips/elbows and eyes all cleared before she left. He's hoping to do a breeding next winter/spring. He has the last surviving offspring of my first dog... she's going on 13 and he thinks he'll need a replacement by then.

I'll keep in touch! Ken

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