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German Short Hair Found


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Friends in Fletcher had a beautiful German Shorthair show up at thier house on Saturday. If you know someone in the Rogers/Fletcher/Corcoran area that has lost a dog please call 763-428-8783 and leave a message. The dog was extremely cold. I really hope someone did not drop it off in the country. Not sure what is going to happen to it if we can't find the owner. Call if you can provide a good home. He seems well cared for, dew claws removed, housebroke, neutered and in good shape. He is a little skittish but that could be because of his new surroundings.

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This dog may have a microchip embedded under it's skin with complete onwership information recorded on it. Ours had the chip on the back of the neck. Call a local vet and ask if they have a scanner to read it. I don't know if they will ask a fee, but if you explain the situation I'm sure they will be helpful. Also call you local law enforcement agency and ask if there have been any missing or stolen reports.

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